is a collection of works created by David Mimran since 1994.
author is French and now lives in New York.
Utmost is an essay
on the process of creating Arth, and a short biography, in English (August 4, 2001).
Le contrat unilatéral is
a shred of novel in French, which will be completed (1997-...). A link to this project
is hidden inside the site.
Prosa is a short story in French
Dido & Aeneas is a very free adaptation
in English of the Tragedy and the Opera by Purcell, written as a scenario for a short
movie, still to be shot (June 2000).
Poetry is an essay
(in French) which has inspired two pieces of music written with Théo (December
Contra Punctum is a book
of poetry partly in English and partly in French. The poems are set in chronological
order, so that Criss
contains the first poems I have written. They span between 1994 and 1996. No ----- available
at this time
is dedicated to K Lhynne M.
is in English, and what in French ?
Criss Cross
Arth the guggenheimer's
Toute cette sorte
de choses
A process in the
No ----- available
at this time
News from the
Symmetry ninety-six
written in English.
qui est en anglais, et qu'est-ce qui est en français ?
Formes informes
Amphores engloûties
en français (are in French), except for Momentary loss of memory (n°90),
We shall watch and we shall not rest nor sleep (n°95), Breakfast [food
is unimportant] (n°97), moving life (n°99), and Pitt
(n°104) in Formes
and Simulation in Amphores
Nouveautésfraîches is a small
book of poetry in French (1997).
Merenneito is a poem
in English dedicated to Leikki (September 2001)
One can only access
the anthologies through this page
Kalevala and Kanteletar are the entire
Finnish Epic, in Finnish, gathered in one file (for Kalevala) so as to make searches
in the text easier (Edited in November 1999). Finnish is without a doubt the most
beautiful and exhilirating language I know.
Soon Midnight v.1 Electric Poem Tone
poetry in English - computer generated sounds, soprano saxophone, spoken poem
Midnight v.2 Lied
A lied for soprano voice, piano and strings
Arth's Psychedelic Breakfast A funk-jazz
piece with computer generated sounds, electric guitar, found sounds and live distorted
soprano saxophone
A Very Strange Morning A found
sounds project that became the backgroung for Arth's Psychedelic Breakfast
Leikki's Theme Composition
and arrangement : Theo and Laurent - soprano saxophone by Arth --- link to photography
Stina on kadonnut Composition
and arrangement : Theo and Laurent - soprano saxophone by Arth --- link to videopoetry
poésie revèle
Composition and arrangement : Theo and Laurent - soprano saxophone by Arth ---
link to poetry
A visual realization of a graph piece by Earl Brown, December 1952
including Video Poetry is a 'poetic'
wall that displays poetry -in French and English-, a photographic animation and the
spoken text of some of the poems. The initial pretext is a reflexion about the double
consonant, in particular in Finnish. Language itself is the ultimate and possibly
the only object of poetry (August 1999 for this poem, August 2000 for the others
and the set-up).
My Hand is White As Chalk is a video
animation (1'30) made from one poem in SIDE:SEA:STINA. It has been made with the
precious collaboration of Nicolas and Emmanuelle.
Suite MBS #4 is a short
(1'30) video animation dedicated to MBS. It has been made in collaboration
with Herr Doktor Emil Krone, in Berlin (July, 2000).
Onko Stina Kadonnut? Ei!
Stina disappeared? No! Stina a disparu? Non! is an image wall. The character, standing
still in front of a picture, keeps vanishing and reappearing, and different zooms
highlight various parts of the image (August 2cd, 2000). The music set to it has
been recorded in december 1999. The Theme has been composed by Theo and Laurent,
who programmed the rhythms, played the keyboards and the percussions. Lionel plays
the guitars. Arth plays the soprano saxophone.
Sisun Silmät The Wolf's
Eyes Les yeux du loup Die Augen des Wolfes
also an image wall. The eyes of the Wolf overlook a diversity of street scenes taken
in New York (August 4-6, 2000). Leikki is the Wolf.
lueur dans la nuit A light in the night is a luminous shape changing colors
in the dark (August 2000).
The Ravishing
Saturn Project / No supplementary
Fontana Video mix
Photography is an essay (in French) (December
Mur Argentique is an exhibition
of pictures taken (mostly) in 1997 and 1998.
Triptyque has been taken
in the Jewish cemetary of East Berlin. The pictures have been painted over.
Mailbox has been taken
from the Seven-A café in the East Village of Manhattan (1997).
Workers is a series
of seven groups of pictures (some of them can be enlarged) of people working, mainly
in the streets. It has been taken in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Paris, Helsinki, Saint
Petersburg, in Israel and Jordan; it is dedicated to people performing hard tasks,
and to the beauty and utility of Work (1998).
Taxicabs shows people
hailing, going in or going out of taxi cabs (1998).
Phonebooths is a photo-movie
showing people waiting in front of a public payphone. A love rendez-vous is going
on (1998).
Hairdresser is a delicate
picture. It is one of my favorites here. There is life, feelings, and I feel confused
I shamelessly captured this intimate moment (1998).
Varjo / Shadow / Ombre
Subworkers continues
workers from mur argentique, but with a new structure. The title has no negative
connotation (November 1999).
Katarina is a one picture
exhibition (September 1999).
Flow is a short
exhibition of black and white pictures from Paris(September 1999)
Horizontal Sky is a study
in grey about Sky and Water. It is a very restful image for me (Savonlinna, August
Sunday at the Met is a slide
show. That sunday, the grey sky made the windows of the Met a work that did not make
you want to look at any picture or painting (August 4th, 2000).
Ghostories is a picture
exhibition. The ghost is often where you expect it.
Vitrail is a picture
dedicated to Stina and the Ghost.
The Virginia Pages is a composition
including poems in English and pictures. The extract of a picture representing hands
has been painted by Virginia; it is reproduced here without her permission (August-September
SIDE:SEA:STINA is a composition
including poems in English and pictures, which theme is the body and texture. It
is dedicated to Stina (February-March 1999).
In the museum is an extension
of a poem from SIDE:SEA:STINA. In spite of its colour, it takes the reader
to an antique, subterranean and desolate world (November 1999).
Dirty Laundry is a visual
fairy tale in English which is certainly going to move you (1998).
Suomen Sanoja is dedicated
to Leikki. Like In the museum, but in a softer way, it is a visual sequence
about polished and saturated colour (October 1999, modified July 10th, 2000).
Photogrammes / Still-Movies are an interrogation
about the relationship between the still image and motion picture and the animated
image, through video.
La Descente and Contre nuit have been
shot in Paris with Anna.
are short still extracts (June 2000).
Suite MBS #3 is a video
sequence standing still, with a poem in English.
ce qu'ils reflétaient, mes beaux yeux, tout miroitants de larmes?"
(Do you know what they reflected, my beautiful eyes, shimmering with tears?) (The
Squirrel, in L'Enfant et les Sortilèges, M. Ravel/Colette).
2000 for the poem Traffic (in English) and the images; July 2000 for the set
up). MBS has given her consent.
I see open spaces - Two pictures,
screen shots, dedicated to Rikki O'Neal. I would be very proud if she ever got to
see those pictures, which display her beauty and strange serenity. NEW PAGE
All the texts, pictures and poems, as well as the architecture as a whole, have been
registered, and are protected as such © 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003.
You may now go back to the main gate or use the links on this page to sneak into
any page you want directly.
17 2003
12/12/1999, 11/01/2000, July 10 and July 27th, 2000, August 6th, 2000, Saturday October
2001, May 2003